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                          9.9.1 Examples

         The sequence "~Edir /w>x.bak;~Rx.bak;" (without the quotes)

             1.  Execute "DIR /W>X.BAK"
             2.  Import X.BAK into the message text
             3.  Remove X.BAK

         Note that the semi-colon (;) is NOT optional for the
         "Execute" and "Import" macros. It determines the end of the
         program name and its parameters and/or the end of the name of
         the file to import.

         The sequence "|~T|~B~B~BRegards,|~B~B~B~U|" (without the
         quotes) will:

             1.  Insert a CR
             2.  Delete the text from the cursor to the end of the
             3.  Insert another CR
             4.  Insert three TAB characters (equivalent to pressing
                 <Tab> three times).
             5.  Insert the text "Regards," without the quotes
                 followed by a CR.
             6.  Insert three TAB characters (equivalent to pressing
                 <Tab> three times).
             7.  Insert the current user's name followed by a CR.

         Eg. ..
             <message text>

                         John Doe

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